Nina Alvarez, CBS Assistant Professor of International Journalism, produced and directed “Almost American” with Caterina Barbera-Kipreos, '18 M.S. Documentary.
The documentary is premiering August 26 and follows the lives of the Ayala Flores family – twenty-year residents in the nation's capital caught in the middle of the fight over immigration policy.
Emly Bell, Leonard Tow Professor of Professional Practice and Founding Director of the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia Journalism School, moderated “The Forces Shaping Journalism And What To Do About Them,” a panel discussion hosted by the World News Media Congress on how to sustain and strengthen independent journalism amid challenges from AI and more.
Helen Benedict, Professor of Journalism, discussed her recent novel, “The Good Deed,” in an interview with Columbia News.
Nina Berman, Professor of Journalism, spoke about her career journey during a virtual talk hosted by the New York Film Academy Photography School.