Dear CJS Community:
By now you’ve heard the news of President Minouche Shafik’s resignation.
I want to first underline that, amidst this shakeup, Columbia Journalism School will continue to proceed at pace. We are preparing to celebrate graduates and welcome a new cohort to Pulitzer Hall. Our semester will begin with the best interests of our community at the front of mind.
I wish Dr. Shafik well and thank her for her service to Columbia. It’s been an honor to work with her and her Leadership team in areas that sustain and preserve our core values.
Today, we welcome Dr. Katrina Armstrong as Interim University President. Dr. Armstrong has been a reliable partner since I began my tenure as Dean. I had a productive conversation about the coming days and weeks with Katrina this morning. I've worked with her previously on the steering committee of Columbia University’s Mental Health Initiative, which she co-chairs.
She possesses a deep understanding of the complex needs of our institution and I look forward to working in concert with the President’s Office to move us forward.
Jelani Cobb
Dean and Henry R. Luce Professor of Journalism