Columbia Journalism School's Memory Project Publishes "Exhumed: Experiments in Memory"

May 09, 2023

“Exhumed: Experiments in Memory”, the newest edition of the Columbia Journalism School’s Memory Project, is now available for pre-order. 

“Exhumed,” published in collaboration with the school’s Delacorte Review, is an anthology of 17 stories, each of which begins with a photograph.

The writers each chose a photograph that spoke to them and then set about finding the story behind that frozen moment: a wedding that was kept a secret; a teenager on the verge of a life of addiction and jail; a bird taking flight; a mysterious great grandfather; a mother and son reunion; a sonogram.

Exhumed Cover

Each represents a story a writer needed to tell. And it is that need that readers will find compelling – so much so that perhaps it might move them to begin searching for their own photographs, and their own stories. 

“Exhumed” captures the power of narrative nonfiction. It is propelled by reporting, just as the most enduring fiction is propelled by imagination.

Exhumed: Experiments in Memory can be purchased through this link. E-books purchased during the pre-sale will be delivered to your Kindle on May 1st, the date the paperback goes on sale. 

The Memory Project is a diverse group of emerging literary voices. Join us in uncovering the stories they discovered. For updates please follow their Instagram.