Mario Garcia
Mario R. Garcia is Senior Adviser on News Design and Adjunct Professor at Columbia. He is also CEO/Founder of Garcia Media, a global consulting firm. He has been involved with the redesign and rethink of more than 700 publications in 120 countries, including The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post. He came to the School of Journalism as the Hearst Digital Media Professional in Residence in 2013.
He is the author of 14 books, the latest of which is "The Story," a trilogy about mobile storytelling and design.
He has been involved with the Poynter Institute’s EyeTrack Research since its start, including the most recent “EyeTrack: Tablet.”
His awards include a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Society of News Design, The Journalism Medal of Honor from the University of Missouri for Distinguished Service in Journalism. In 2015, Mario became the recipient of the Columbia Scholastic Press Association’s Charles O’Malley Excellence in Teaching Award. People Magazine mentioned him among the 100 most influential Hispanics in the United States.
Mario is an avid runner and is totally submerged in the topic of how news and information move across digital platforms. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Miami.