Lila I. Hassan

Lila Hassan, M.S. Stabile ‘20, is an award-winning independent investigative journalist who covers extremism, immigration, and human rights for a variety of media, including print, documentary, television, and radio. She has worked on projects that have gone on to win the Pulitzer Prize and Polk Awards as well as nominations for Emmys, a Peabody Award, and a Columbia DuPont award. 

Her work has been published in The New York Times, ProPublica, The Guardian, FRONTLINE PBS, HuffPost National, Reuters, The Trace, Kaiser Health News, and more. After starting her career in human rights investigations, she pivoted to journalism and has reported from Cairo, Istanbul, Paris, and New York. 

She holds a bachelor's degree in political science with honors from CUNY Brooklyn College, where she was in The Scholars Program, and a Master of Science from Columbia Graduate School of Journalism's specialized Toni Stabile Center for investigative reporting, where she was a Lorana Sullivan fellow. She has also studied international affairs and law at Université de Paris X - Nanterre. 

She lives in New York and speaks Arabic and French. In her spare time, she is working on learning Spanish.